SADC-GMI Launches Groundwater Mapping and Development Project in Chiparamba, Zambia

The photo was taken after a consultation between the District Commissioner, Sarah Phiri and the Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation team.

Chiparamba CBD in Kasenengwa District in the Eastern Province of Zambia is experiencing an urgent water deficit, a situation intensified by climate variability and a rapidly expanding population. This underscores the immediate and substantial need for investments in groundwater development to mitigate the effects of ongoing climate change shocks.

In a collaborative partnership with SADC-Groundwater Management Institute, the Government of Zambia, through the Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation – Department of Water Resources Development, is leading the charge in addressing water scarcity issues in Chiparamba through the implementation of the project entitled “Groundwater Mapping and Development in Chiparamba.” The project, with a total budget of $160,046.00, is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Multi-Donor Trust Fund Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) through the World Bank Group. Zambia was awarded this project as part of a highly competitive grant competition, where the Department had to submit a concept note/proposal that demonstrated innovativeness and creativity, which was selected based on its potential impact and feasibility.

The Chiparamba Sub-Centre in Kasenengwa district of Eastern Province faces water challenges due to the increasing population. Currently, the area relies on one commercial borehole drilled by the Eastern Water and Sanitation Company (EWSC) with a limited storage capacity and limited community boreholes equipped with hand pumps for water access. Analyzing the available borehole data indicates that the available water points are insufficient to supplement the increasing water demand resulting from the growing population in the area.

The project is a game-changer in the battle against water scarcity, significantly enhancing access to clean and sustainable water sources. This, in turn, will elevate the quality of life for the local community in the district. The project’s focus on Aquifer mapping and Wellfield development aligns perfectly with the government’s Eight National Development Plan (8NDP) to improve water accessibility, promising a brighter future for the community.

The project aims to develop Aquifer Mapping and wellfields in Kasenengwa District. These activities will involve comprehensive Aquifer identification using geophysical surveys, wellfield development, protection, and Conservation strategies. These strategies will include tree planting and wellfield security measures such as fencing of the area.

The project scope includes drilling six exploratory and three production boreholes, each with a maximum depth of 100 meters. The project, expected to be completed within twelve months, aims to provide a dedicated water supply for domestic use in the Central Business District of Chiparamba Central. The drilled production boreholes will be equipped with solar-powered submersible pumps. Two 10,000-liter tanks will be installed to store water pumped from the boreholes. A reliable water distribution system will be established to supply water from the storage tanks to communal taps in the CBD. The project will benefit over 12,142 individuals upon completion, including 6,215 female and 5,927 male beneficiaries.

Once the project is finished, it will be transferred to the Eastern Water and Sanitation Company (the utility company) through a carefully planned and executed process. This process will include stakeholder engagement, a feedback mechanism, documentation, and knowledge sharing, ensuring that the utility company is fully equipped to manage and maintain the project, thereby ensuring its sustainability.

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