Monitoring and Management of Groundwater Supply in the Municipality of CaimbamboThe project aim is the hydrogeological characterization of the municipality of Caimbambo and complete registration of all surface and groundwater sources in the region.
The project will generate data and information about the occurrence of groundwater in order to increase water availability for human supply and productive activities. This will promote sustainable socio-economic development of the region and improve the living conditions of the communities. The municipality of Caimbambo has 80,715 inhabitants, 47.2% males and 52.8% females.
Activities Related To The Project:- Drilling of boreholes.
- Training professionals in the area, who coordinate and manage the region’s water resources, to improve their understanding of the dynamics of the present aquifers and the productivity of existing wells.
- Training and awareness actions
- Improve hydrogeological knowledge of the Caimbambo region
- Establish a plan to improve the management of groundwater resources in the region;
- Improve the performance of existing wells and if possible, recover some non-productive wells.
- Improve access to drinking water for people.
Integration of Groundwater Resource Data Management SystemThe objective of this project is to integrate the National Geoscience Information system (NIGIS) database model with the HydroGeo Analyst (HGA), load all the data from NIGIS (Water modules) into HGA and develop a web-based application to access the HGA customized solution.
The integrated Groundwater Resource Data Management System will deliver centralized and secure access to boreholes completion report, groundwater production and monitoring data (Levels, quality and quantity) over internet.
The project will provide the Department of Water and sanitation with a reliable system to effectively and efficiently manage groundwater resources, and be able to provide timely required data for water resources planning in the country.
The Project Activities Will Involve The Following;- Development of an integrated Groundwater Resource Data Management System using GeoHydro Analyst system software available at the Department of Water and sanitation – Botswana.
- Integration of available database management systems in order to have one web system accessible to the Department of Water and Sanitation employees and stakeholders.
- A secure and reliable system that will allow data exchange with key organizations
- Cost savings through improved workflows and data management.
- Holistic oversight on the nation’s water resources to efficiently and effectively manage overtime.
- The solution offers Department of water and sanitation a unique capability and leverageable experience with information management and HydroGeo Analyst.
Groundwater Monitoring and Installation of Solar Powered Pumps at Selected LocalitiesThe Eswatini project focuses on resuscitating the old groundwater monitoring system that due to climate change and drought, was converted into the water supply system.
The project also acknowledges the intensified need for monitoring and increased access to water supply amidst the challenges of climate change.
The project will install six monitoring stations in hotspot areas in the Northern Hhohho region.
The Northern Hhohho region was identified as critical because it hosts new mining industry developments which have an impact on groundwater quality and other social water needs.
The project will also investigate the potential to use solar power for borehole schemes to benefit communities and rural schools.
The project will include the following key activities within Lomati and Mbuluzi River Basins:- Monitoring of existing selected wells (10 sites)
- Development of new wells
- Installation of solar powered pumps at selected sites
- Installation of three micro-solar pumping systems at selected schools
- One micro-solar energy driven rural community energy supply scheme
Expansion of a National Groundwater Monitoring NetworkThe objective of the project is to expand the existing groundwater monitoring network to form a comprehensive nationwide network for the support and guidance of groundwater management activities in Lesotho.
The project is therefore designed to improve the availability and reliability of groundwater data required for appropriate management of groundwater resources and development planning in the country.
The current monitoring, maintained by the Department of Water Affairs is limited and is not able to provide a full picture of the state of groundwater in the entire country, drilling of additional monitoring boreholes will help resolve the problem.
The following are the project activities:- Conducting a desktop study on the existing groundwater monitoring network
- Geophysical investigations and siting drilling points in target areas identified during the desktop study
- Drilling of additional monitoring boreholes
- Calibration and installation of data loggers in selected boreholes
- Monitoring of software and laptops
- Training of Department of Water Affairs personnel
- Initial monitoring
Water Supply project in Chimbiya, Dedza District, Malawi
The project will explore deep aquifers by drilling a 100m deep borehole, equipping the borehole with a motorised electric pump, reticulating the water to ten communal-style distribution points around the community, culminating in supplying water to approximately 15 000 inhabitants in Chimbiya trading Centre.
The project will complement the Government of Malawi’s agenda of providing safe portable water to the citizens.
The project will also provide a basis for understanding deeper wells and hydro-geological analyses of the groundwater of the area for the recommendation of appropriate abstraction models for human consumption.
Chimbiya is one of the areas where the deep-seated aquifers were discovered. With this discovery, it was believed that exploring deep aquifers could make water available to the community throughout the year in the face of climate change.
The project is anticipated to serve more than 20000 people that including school-going children, teachers, business people, farmers, religious leaders and the police working in the area.
The project activities include the following :
- Assessment of the aquifer
- Designing of the system using the data collected during the assessment
- Water Source Development: this phase will require hydrogeological surveys to be carried out in the exploration of the groundwater and siting of the boreholes
- Construction of structures – treatment house, solar panel rack, erection of tank towers, construction of tap points with standard aprons and all associated civil works for the sustainability of the project
- System installation – mounting of the water tanks onto the towers, trenching for pipelines, installation of the treatment units, pumps, solar panels, electrical control units and taps.
- Community Mobilization – engage the community to move them towards contributing to the success of the project
- Safe Water Committee Education – train the elected committee on various sustainability of the project.
- Wash Promotion – community will be trained on sensitization with respect to health and hygiene so that the risk of water borne diseases is reduced.
- Commissioning – Once the project has been fully installed and in operation; there will be need to commission it along with all key stakeholders including the Government of Malawi and SADC-GMI to celebrate along with the community.
- Controlled abstraction of groundwater
- Deep well drilled and developed for sustainable provision of community water supply as guided by geophysical survey targeting more than 100 where feasible
- Sustainable safe water provided to large population of people using a successful installation model
- A responsible and trained committee that can manage to run a project after hand over established
- Reduced walking distance for people in search of clean and safe water
- Reduced waiting time at taps to give people more time to attend to other businesses.
- Trained community in Community Based Management of the water system that will include training in sustainability mechanisms according to tested success standards
- Improved availability of quality water resources for people of Chimbiya
- Reduced cases of water borne diseases amongst the locals through provision of safe treated groundwater water
- Improved attendance and consequently performance of school children
- Reduced waiting time at the existing boreholes
- Increased hygiene knowledge and practices
Transformation of a dispersed Source in Water Supply System and Promotion of Hygiene and Sanitation
The objective of the project is the construction of the Water Supply System from groundwater abstraction in the village of Muchocolote in the PA of Catembe Simbe in the Matutuine district of Maputo Province.
The community is currently using a handpump to abstract the water from the borehole. A submersible pump which will be powered by a solar panel will be installed to supply water to 2000 people.
The project entails replacing the handpump with a submersible pump and constructing a 12-meter-high tower on top of which two 10 000 litres water tanks will be installed.
Solar panels will be installed and used as an energy source for the water pump. Water from the tanks will be distributed to three different villages via three different subterranean pipelines (40cm below ground) with a radius of 6km. There will be a tap at each of the 4 villages to reduce the distance locals have to travel to access water.
The community will be responsible for the maintenance of the water network.
Review and Update of the Hydrogeological MapThe program / project will take the present Hydrogeological Map of Namibia (completed in 2001) to the next level, through the updating of recent project findings and newly available data from GROWAS II. As well as the establishment of a link between an active Groundwater Level Network and “The Map”.
The updating of the Namibian Hydrogeological Map will go a long way towards providing an understanding of the nature and occurrence of the groundwater resources, using current information and technology.
The main objective of the proposed project is to review and update the Hydrogeological Map of Namibia “The Map” and to integrate/merge the map with the National groundwater database(GROWAS II). The project will be of great interest and benefit to different water users everywhere as it is a great source of information for the country’s groundwater resources management.
Key Activities of the Project:- Development of methodology to carry out groundwater resource assessments
- Map development on a large-scale
- The project is expected to deliver an updated Map and Information booklet.
- A Steering Committee made up of different stakeholders will be established to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the project until completion, as well as the quality of activities and deliverable.
- The project will also capacitate the Hydrogeologist in the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry in the quantification of these groundwater resources
Groundwater Management in the Kimbiji Aquifer SystemThe program will support drilling of five (5) wells for monitoring of water levels in the recommended area spread out across the predicted drawdown areas between the two wells fields to supplement existing observation wells.
In order to ensure the sustainable of Kimbiji Aquifer System, an Aquifer monitoring and management (AMM) unit will be established to monitor and manage the well field operations.
Development objectives- To develop groundwater monitoring infrastructure of the Kimbiji Aquifer System.
- To conduct ground and surface water monitoring and review field data in relation to the aquifer system’s response to large-scale pumping and potential.
- To drilling of five (5) monitoring wells for the Kimbiji Aquifer System
- To conduct groundwater and surface water monitoring and review field data in relation to the aquifer system’s response to large-scale pumping and potential hydraulic impacts on existing well owners, stream flows and wetland habitats in the project area
- Baseline information report
- Groundwater abstraction register
- Groundwater monitoring data base
- Stakeholders’ platform
Groundwater Mapping and Wellfield Development in Chongwe District
The project will complement the Government of Malawi’s agenda of providing safe portable water to the citizens.
The main objectives of this project are the following:
- Identify and characterize a local aquifer in the Chongwe area with sufficient productive capacity such that it can be used for settlement level water supply; and
- Develop at least one well field for settlement level water supply for use by the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC).
- Hydrogeological assessments including geophysical surveys, groundwater exploration;
- Development of well fields for Water Supply and Sanitation;
- Environmental and social safeguards;
- Procurement of goods and services;
- Project follow up and support;
- Monitoring and evaluation; and
- Installation of an automated groundwater monitoring borehole.
The main outputs from the proposed project will be:
- Functional well field(s) for water supply and sanitation in the Chongwe area identified and characterized;
- At least three production boreholes drilled and equipped with electrical submersible pumps;
- Water reticulation system installed for conveyance of water from constructed borehole to storage facility at existing LWSC well field; and
- An automated groundwater monitoring borehole to measure various groundwater quality parameters.
Groundwater monitoring network system in Greater HarareThe project seeks to characterise the aquifer system and set up a groundwater monitoring network system in Greater Harare.
Overally, the aim of the project is to catalyse improved groundwater management for the benefit of the diverse stakeholders in the Upper Manyame catchment, currently and into the future.
The project seeks to: quantitatively determine the available groundwater resources, determine the flow patterns, aquifer dimensions; fluxes; aquifer heterogeneity, and quality status.
This will provide the data necessary for projecting groundwater availability in the future under climate change, land use/land cover change and growing demands due to population growth and urbanization.
The research will explore how scientific tools such as groundwater models and 3D – stratigraphic tomography can be used to better explain groundwater dynamics to the groundwater managers, the users and policymakers.
Activities Directly Related to the Project
- Drilling of monitoring/observation and production boreholes
- Installation of measuring gadgets
- Measuring of surface and groundwater quality
- Production of groundwater maps (levels, quality, recharge zones, sources and potential sources contaminants)
- Informed decision making on groundwater resources management (both quantity and quality)
- Informed groundwater allocation and demand management
- Controlled abstraction of groundwater
- Improved groundwater sustainability
- Improved water resources accountability
- Increased revenues from groundwater levies
- An authoritative report on groundwater situation for Greater Harare
- Groundwater maps
- Monitored groundwater abstractions
- Monitored groundwater quality and quantity
- Mapped groundwater quality
- Mapped groundwater levels
- Groundwater pollution risk map
- Mapped recharge zones
- Monitoring/Observation boreholes
- Production boreholes
- Groundwater database (for quantity and quality)
- Capacitated personnel in the Ministry and the two Sub-catchments on groundwater monitoring